is a custom hook used to provide slider functionality, as well as
state and focus management to custom slider components when using it.
import { useSlider } from '@chakra-ui/react'
Return value#
The useSlider
hook returns the following props
Name | Type | Description |
state | SliderState | An object that contains all the props that define the current state of the slider. |
actions | SliderActions | An object that contains all the functions that can be called to modify the slider's value |
getRootProps | PropGetter | A function that takes slider root props and handles changes for the slider. |
getTrackProps | PropGetter | A function that takes slider track props and handles changes for the slider's track. |
getInnerTrackProps | PropGetter | A function that takes slider inner track style props and handles changes in the slider's inner track style. |
getThumbProps | PropGetter | A function that takes slider thumb props and handles changes for the slider's thumb. |
getMarkerProps | RequiredPropGetter<{ value: number }> | A function that takes the value of the marker and handles changes for the slider's marker positioning and style. |
getInputProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the input field. |
import { Badge, Box, Button, chakra, Flex, useSlider, Text } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import Actions from "./Actions"; import Instructions from "./Instructions"; type Props = { stepByNumber: number; stepToNumber: number; }; export default function App({stepByNumber, stepToNumber}: Props) { const { state, actions, getInnerTrackProps, getInputProps, getMarkerProps, getRootProps, getThumbProps, getTrackProps } = useSlider({ min: 0, max: 100, stepByNumber, stepToNumber }); const { onKeyDown: onThumbKeyDown, ...thumbProps } = getThumbProps(); const markers = [] for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { markers.push(getMarkerProps({ value: i * 25 })) } return ( <Box px={8} pt='15%'> <Flex flexDir="row" justifyContent="space-between"> <Instructions stepByNumber={stepByNumber} /> <Actions actions={actions} stepToNumber={stepToNumber} /> </Flex> <chakra.div mt={2} cursor="pointer" w={{ base: "96%", lg: "98%" }} ml={{ base: "2%", lg: "1%" }} {...getRootProps()} > <input {...getInputProps()} hidden /> {, index) => { const value = String((index + 1) * 25) + '%'; return ( <Badge ml='-20px' mt='25px' fontSize='sm' color='#542344' {...markerProps} > {value} </Badge> )})} <Box h="7px" bgColor="#EBF5EE" borderRadius="full" {...getTrackProps()}> <Box h="7px" bgColor="teal.500" borderRadius="full" {...getInnerTrackProps()} /> </Box> <Box top="1%" boxSize={8} bgColor="white" boxShadow="lg" border="1px solid teal" borderRadius="full" _focusVisible={{ outline: "none" }} onKeyDown={(e) => { if (e.code === "ArrowRight") actions.stepUp(stepByNumber); else if (e.code === "ArrowLeft") actions.stepDown(stepByNumber); else onThumbKeyDown(e); }} {...thumbProps} > <Flex w="100%" h="100%" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center"> <Text color="teal">{state.value}</Text> </Flex> </Box> </chakra.div> </Box> ); };
The useSlider
hook accepts an object with the following properties: